I Must Run!


It was just another typical night out, until things went drastically wrong: your wife was assaulted, you reacted violently and somebody died. Now you're in jail and the victim's father is blackmailing you: if you don't show up within the next 24 hours, your wife dies. What's a man in your situation supposed to do? Run, of course!I Must Run! is a frantic, skill-based running game. Jump across gaps between jail buildings, weave your way through the subway station and test your reflexes in a deadly dash over construction site cranes. Play in the compelling Story Mode or the score-based "Endless Run" mode through six levels: Jail, Subway, Sewers, Construction Site, Suburbs and Rooftops.Get ready to put your fingers (and lungs) to the test in the most important run of your life! -----------------------XPERIA PLAY OPTIMIZED!TESTED ON: Nexus One, Motorola Droid / Milestone, Acer Liquid, Xperia Play, HTC Desire, HTC Desire HD, Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Samsung Galaxy SII, Motorola Xoom, LG Optimus 2XIf you experience problems on your device, please write e-mail to us or use "Need help with a game?" link on our webpage. We will do our best to help you in resolving them.Leaving only a comment won't help much in problems solving.

1 Storrady-Świętosławy, Szczecin
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