Fresh Leaves


The FRESH GREEN! Everything growing! Everything comes to life. The FRESH green in your phones and tablets also will visit......or you may set or compose NEW SEASON THEMES, NOW AVAILABLE leaves for: Spring, Summer, Autumn, WinterFresh Leaves is live wallpaper. You may change backgrounds, on/off elements, and more ! All in 3D in realtime - it's not a movie.HOW TO USE: 'Time of day' options, custom themeIf you check ON 'Time of day' checkbox, default saved themes will be loaded. Or you can set yours. Your saved themes will be automatically loaded on time. How set your :1. Set your all settings, background, leaves, elements, modes... 2. Save custom theme for selected hours, you see it on icons, blue is a key3. Set ON 'Time of day' checkbox4. Your saved themes will be automatically loaded on timeYou may always save or load custom theme, without use 'Time of day' checkbox.Please comments! Thanks!

27 Poleska, Wrocław
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