Piercing Photo Editor


"Piercing Photo" app lets you try piercing, without any pain on your whole body! Embellish yourself on your own photos without getting pierced. Using our tester you will feel like in a virtual piercing salon or photo booth machine. Just choose a pic from gallery or take one using camera, choose the tattoo design that fits to your style, rotate, resize, save and share your effect! You can also joke with your friends, by sharing the image where you "are pierced" on social media! After editing in our app, photos do not look like fake, they will believe the result ;)Our editing tool contains a lot of artistic piercing ideas for both girls and boys (facial, nose earrings, ear or lips earrings and much more!).You can choose not only the placement that will suit your body but also the jewellery art that has the best chance that you'll like it.Remember, piercing in real world is not a game, it will stay on your skin forever, so first check how it looks on our application.Our photo editor is mostly free, but you can also buy special piercing pack, check it now!Much more soon!

2 Jana Krzysztofa Kluka, Kraków
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